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Back To School Gift Ideas For Teachers And Students

With back to school just around the corner, teachers and students are getting ready to start a fresh new term with lots of spirit and energy. As parents it is our duty to pack healthy lunch for our kids, which you can check some ideas in our previous blog. But as teachers, we can do something small and special to start the new academic year with happiness or to reward the students for getting an A. And as students, we can show our appreciation and gratitude to our teachers for doing a good job. So read this blog to find out some gifting ideas that are both suitable to give to teachers as well as students alike.

1- Rice crispie treat: take a small wooden stick and poke it in the rice crispies to make a cute bouquet or just hand them out like cake pops. They are wholesome, healthy and a quick fix for hunger.

2- Good ol pb&J: this is the most classic lunch school lunch ever. You can hand these out to your students or teachers and they will love them with no doubt.

3- Books: another good idea is to gift books, they can be kept as souvenir always. It can be fiction or non-fiction. it can also be some good educational books.

4- Stationary: for teachers and students no stationary items can be enough. It would be very useful and it is a thoughtful gift as well.

5- Chocolates: who doesn’t like chocolates? It’s the perfect gift for every age group. To make it healthy either opt for a sugar free chocolate or dark chocolates.

6- Trail mix sachets: either make your own mini sachets with different types of nuts or you can check our website for small trail mix packs. Not only do they make a perfect gift but they are also packed with healthy components. If you really think about it you are giving the gift of health.

 7- Gift card for teachers: next time get your teacher a gift card so that they can treat themselves, whether it is clothing, relaxation, food they will love it no matter what.

8- Cupcakes: children love dessert, so you can hand these healthy cupcakes during lunch time. Or you can also keep an activity to decorate the cupcakes.

9- Customized keychain: you can personalize it with names or even sweet messages. They are the perfect gift to remember by.

10- Hand sanitizer: as they continue to be a must have, give the students or teachers a fun sanitizer and a case to carry them around.

 What are some other gift ideas you have? Do let us know using the comment box down below. Meanwhile check out our website for some healthy snacks that can be added to your gift list.



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