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Why Employees Need to Snack Healthy at Work

1. Boosts team health
It should come as no surprise that healthy employees are much less likely to miss work due to illness. Each year, sick days cost companies a sizable sum of money. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that you, as a company, take care of your staff and do everything in your power to keep them as healthy as possible. Healthy snacks provide the body with the fuel and minerals it needs to stay invigorated fueled throughout the day and fight off illness, unlike caffeine and chocolate, which only offers a brief boost of energy with little to no health benefits.

2. Increases Team Morale
Who doesn't enjoy a delicious snack? Your team will likely be happier and more productive at work if you give them healthy snack options throughout the day. This is not only because their bodies are being fed, but also because having something to look forward to makes people happier and healthy snacks boost serotonin leaving your team happy and pleasant throughout the day.

3. Boosts Productivity
The WHO states that snacks nourish our body with supplementary nutrition that helps increases productivity by 20%. Having ready to grab snacks at the office eliminates the need for employees to get up from their desks and go outside to buy lunch or spend hours on mobile apps wondering what to order and from where. It also energizes the mind, improving cognitive function. Your employees are more likely to work harder and more effectively when there is a box of wholesome snacks ready to grab.

4. Avoid the 3pm crash
The very undesirable sluggish feeling that kickes in post lunch is new to nobody. Low-fat no-sugar energy rich healthy snacks are your best friend to help overcome this mid afternoon energy slump. Snacking healthy throughout the day also helps avoid over eating during lunch which is the major cause of this energy crash.

5. Healthy gut, happy brain
The connection between gut health and mood is solid. What we consume has a direct impact on the bacteria that live in our digestive system, which then impacts the stress and anxiety levels. Simply put, our gut health influences our mood, and vice versa, our mood can affect our gut health. Therefore, when considering how to increase productivity and wellbeing at work, we must consider consumables that enhance both our mental and digestive health.

6. Encourage healthy habits
Snacking can make or break a good diet, and staying on track can be the hardest part of developing healthy habits. Providing employees with healthy office snacks enables and encourages them to stick to their wellness path with no distractions. A wonderful strategy to start a gradual adjustment in eating habits and get away from mindless munching on high-sugar meals is to introduce better for you snacks at work for your team

7. Better mood.
Eating has a direct impact on your mood in addition to your physical condition. Healthy fats help to reduce stress, and antioxidants like berries can stifle any sugar cravings, which lifts one’s spirits.

8. Enhance brain activity
What we eat directly affects how well we think. The unhealthy alternative is frequently mistaken for being the more "efficient" option by employees when choosing an afternoon snack because it is typically cheaper and faster. But choosing an unhealthy sugary snack can ruin an entire afternoon's worth of work. Healthy snacks help improve brain activity and performance, especially under pressure.

9. You save money with snack deliveries
Employee retention improves when you make a conscious effort to improve their health and happiness. As a result, you won't need to invest time on recruiting and training new personnel because you are more likely to retain your current workforce. There will be less staff absence and a lower chance that sick employees would spread their illness to others in the company as a result of employees being healthier when they snack healthy.

10. You save time with automated snack deliveries
Save your precious time to do more important tasks at work with automated snack deliveries instead of spending time online every now and then ordering snacks or going out to buy them yourself. With Munchbox’s corporate subscription plan, you simply never run out of snacks and you would never need to take out time to order delicious snacks again. Just give us 5 minutes on a quick call to understand your requirement, offer you the best suited solution & we will take care of all your office snacking needs! Call / WhatsApp us at +971 588781750  or drop us a mail today at



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